Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Who knew? Beets are delicious!

So it turns out that beets are super yummy and easy to prepare. Found on the internets this weekend: Roasted Beet & Spinach Salad with Goat Cheese and Toasted Walnuts. (How could I not make it?)

2 bunches beets (1 red, 1 golden if you are feeling adventurous, which you clearly are since you are cooking beets in the first place)
1/2(ish) cup walnut pieces
1 pkg baby spinach
rest of an open package of goat cheese
1 tbsp chopped fresh dill

Remove tops from beets, clean beets (and tops, if you want to steam them with garlic for tomorrow's dinner) well, wrap in foil and cook in a 400-degree (preheated) oven for an hour or so, or until you can easily poke them with a knife. When cool, peel them, making sure to keep beet juice as contained as possible and especially not on clothes. Cut into slices and set aside.
Meanwhile, you should have put the walnuts in a pot and just covered with water, then brought them to a boil and drained immediately. Apparently this reduces the bitterness. Lower the oven to 350 and put the walnuts on a cookie sheet or similar to bake until they are browned, about 20ish minutes.
Make sure your spinach is clean if not from a package.
Combine 1 (or however much you want) diced shallot and 1/2 cup balsamic vinaigrette in another bowl. Slowly whisk in 1 cup olive oil and add s&p to taste. Yum.
The recipe wants you to dress the beets in one bowl and the spinach in another and then put the spinach on the plate and the beets on top. I did it this way but now I feel that it would be OK to just put it all in the same bowl and dress it in that bowl. But do it whichever way you want, then sprinkle the walnuts and the "crumbled" (I find goat cheese just smushes together, so I had to do it little bit by bit off a butter knife) goat cheese.
Realize you forgot to put the dill on the beets like it called for so sprinkle that on the top too.
This turns out to be very yummy! Beets are my new friend.

adapted from http://www.napanet.net/~dennis/recipes/96sb.html

Tortilla soup, fancy dinner out, gnocchi, and scallops s on the way, I promise.


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